Issue affecting Tag Hierarchies in the US-East-1 region

Incident Report for Learnosity


As of 17:00 UTC, we've identified the problem affecting tag hierarchies and it is not an infrastructure/services issue. We've determined that an application-level bug limited to saving a newly edited hierarchy is the root cause and have raised a ticket for processing.

All other API and backend functionality, including the use of existing tag hierarchies, remains operational. We are closing this incident and moving the focus to the software team. If you experience any issues with saving hierarchies please don't hesitate to raise a ticket with the Learnosity Support team and we will provide additional updates. Thank you.
Posted Jan 26, 2024 - 12:14 EST


As of 16:00 UTC, we are continuing to investigate an issue preventing updates to Tag Hierarchies.

This issue is limited to the creation and editing of tag hierarchies. Only a small subset of reports that make use of this feature may be affected, and only when a change to a tag hierarchy is required. All other APIs, including reports that don't rely on hierarchy updates, remain operational.

Learnosity Support and Systems Engineering teams are continuing to actively investigate the issue, and will follow on with an update and resolution as soon as possible.
Posted Jan 26, 2024 - 11:02 EST


As of 14:30 UTC, we are investigating an issue preventing tag hierarchies from being created or updated in the US-East-1 Region.

This only appears to affect new changes to tag hierarchies, so this should only impact the use of select reports that rely on this feature, and only when a newly created or updated hierarchy is required. Routine authoring and assessments are unaffected, as are reports and Data API use that don't rely on newly edited hierarchies.

We're including tag-related reports in this update for visibility, but the Reports API remains operational and only a small subset of reports use tag heirarchies.

Learnosity Support and Systems Engineering teams are actively investigating the issue, and will follow on with an update and resolution as soon as possible.
Posted Jan 26, 2024 - 10:00 EST
This incident affected: AMER || Analytics (Tag-based reports) and AMER || Authoring (Creating and saving of Tag Hierarchies (author site)).