Welcome to the Learnosity API & Infrastructure status page. This page is designed to give you real-time information on the current status of Learnosity APIs, grouped by functionality and region.
Learnosity currently hosts in the following regions:
USA - based in AWS US-EAST-1 (Virginia, USA), and a small subet of services in AWS US-WEST-1 (Oregon, USA). This is the hosting location for all APIs and infrastructure served by API endpoints at *.learnosity.com or *-va.learnosity.com and *-or.learnosity.com, as well as all hosted sites provided by Learnosity (e.g. author.learnosity.com, porter.learnosity.com etc.)
Australia is our primary hosted Australia & Asia Pacific region - based in AWS AP-SOUTHEAST-2 (Sydney, Australia). This is the hosting location for all APIs and infrastructure served by API endpoints at *-au.learnosity.com.
Ireland is our primary hosted Europe, Middle East & Africa region - based in AWS EU-WEST-1 (Dublin, Ireland). This is the hosting location for all APIs and infrastructure served by API endpoints at *-ie.learnosity.com.